Our Local Businesses Need Help: Find Them with Google Maps

Searches for "how to help small businesses" rose due to the global pandemic.
Photo/s: Pixabay

Our local businesses are struggling. Let's help them out.

Google announced that it will come out with enhancements as part of an effort to help small shops, businesses, and restaurants amid the pandemic. In an article on ABS-CBN News, Google Maps senior vice president Jen Fitzpatrick said the map service will add ways for people to engage with local businesses that they want to support amid the coronavirus crisis. Searches for "how to help small businesses" increased in recent weeks, according to Fitzpatrick.

New features to be unveiled include listings of local businesses that have links to donation or gift cards in their online profiles. Other tools will allow users to tune in to online sessions or appointments. "We’re making it easier for customers to discover online classes and book virtual appointments."

Google Maps will also add details for restaurants in the free navigation service. Customers may easily look up information on a restaurant, like if it offers curbside pick-up or delivery. The Maps team added that it has protocols in place to check whether these businesses reaching out for support have legitimate operations.

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