In-Person College Classes to Resume in Phases Starting December: IATF

Ready students?
Photo/s: Jerome Ascaño

The country's pandemic response policy-making body has approved the proposed resumption of limited face-to-face classes for all college programs in areas under COVID-19 Alert Level 3 or lower.

Colleges and universities can resume in-person classes starting in December in areas under Alert Level 2, a Nov. 16 resolution of the Inter-Agence Task Force on COVID-19 response or IATF showed.

For those in areas under Alert Level 3, resumption of face-to-face classes can begin in January 2022, the IATF said.

"The continued implementation of proactive measures and restrictions must be put in place to slow down the surge in COVID-19 cases, stop further spread of variants, buy time for the health system to cope, and to protect more lives," the resolution stated.

At present, face-to-face classes are limited only to select college programs particularly those in the field of health sciences. Students in other programs have been pursuing their studies through remote learning since last year when face-to-face classes were first prohibited.

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It was also just this week that public schools across the country have started limited face-to-face classes for students in elementary and high school.

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