Magalong Says His Resignation as Contact Tracing Czar is 'Irrevocable'
Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong said Tuesday his resignation as contact-tracing czar, which Malacanang rejected, was irrevocable.
Magalong quit his post in the nationwide pandemic fight after the birthday party of eventologist Tim Yap in Baguio, which he attended, went viral for violating COVID-19 protocols.
"I am strongly promoting accountability in public service," Magalong told ANC.
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Magalong said that despite his resignation, he wa still helping in COVID-19 response and contact tracing efforts, especially in Bontoc.
The Baguio City mayor headed the Philippine National Police's investigation arm before he ran for public office and he harnessed his sleuthing and law enforcement skills for the national contact-tracing effort.
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When asked if he would return to the post upon being called by President Rodrigo Duterte, he said "No one can refuse if the President tells you to stay and perform your job."