SSS to Accept Walk-In Transactions Based on New Number Coding

Check the last digit of your SS Number or Employer ID Number.
Photo/s: SSS

The Social Security System said Thursday it started implementing a new number coding scheme for walk-in transactions in all Metro Manila branches and in select offices elsewhere in the country.

The number coding will be based on the last digit of SS Number or Employer ID Number:

  • Monday: 1, 2
  • Tuesday: 3, 4
  • Wednesday: 5, 6
  • Thursday: 7, 8
  • Friday: 9, 0

Only the following walk-in transactions are allowed: payment of contribution and debt; personal appearance for SSS Number Application via website; pick-up of UMID card; presentation of original documents for claim application; and "other acceptable reasons."

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For other transactions not mentioned, the member or employer can submit the documents through the dropbox at the branch or contact the nearest SSS office.

The SS number of the deceased member will be used for funeral or death claims.

In the event that the appointed transaction day falls on a holiday or non-working day or the system goes down, the branch will reschedule the appointment to the next working day for the member or employer who waited in line.

The member or employer can also return to the appointed transaction day the following week; or stay in line and wait until the system resumes operation.

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