Countless people felt the financial blows of the COVID-19 pandemic: Millions lost their jobs, some had to face paycuts, with others still struggling to make ends meet. It helps to avail of loans to help you get by during a tough time, but applying for one means confusion as you go through a long list of requirements.
Filipinos are no stranger to the Social Security System, a state-run insurance program that offers different plans and loans to contributing members depending on their needs. In our guide, we list down the valid IDs you can bring, link you to the application forms, and help you find the SSS branch nearest you.
What is an SSS loan?
An SSS loan may be granted to all currently-paying employed, self-employed, and voluntary members, with the goal of helping members meet their short-term credit needs. Paying members may avail of a one-month loan or a two-month loan.
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How much can I get from an SSS loan?
- A one-month salary loan is equivalent to the average of the member-borrower's latest posted 12 Monthly Salary Credits (MSCs), or the amount you choose to apply for, whichever is lower.
- A two-month salary loan is equivalent to twice the average of the member-borrower's latest posted 12 MSCs, rounded to the next higher monthly salary credit, or amount applied for, whichever is lower.
- The net amount of the loan shall be the difference between the approved loan amount and all outstanding balance of short-term member loans.
How long do I have to pay for the SSS loan?
The loan is be payable within 2 years in 24 monthly installments. The monthly amortization shall start on 2nd month following the date of loan, which is due on or before the payment deadline. Payment deadlines vary per member, so check out this chart to see when you have to pay.

Who can apply for an SSS loan?
- All currently employed, currently contributing self-employed, or voluntary member.
- To qualify for a one-month loan, the member-borrower must have 36 posted monthly contributions, 6 of which should be within the last 12 months prior to the month of filing of application.
- To qualify for a two-month loan, the member-borrower must have 72 posted monthly contributions, 6 of which should be within the last 12 months prior to the month of filing of application.
- The member-borrower whose employer must be updated in the payment of contributions.
- The member-borrower has not been granted final benefit such as total permanent disability, retirement, and death.
- Only member-borrowers under the age of 65 can apply.
- The member-borrower has not been disqualified due to fraud committed against the SSS.
What are the requirements to apply for an SSS loan?
Member-borrowers must fill up the Member Loan Application Form. You also need to bring your SSS digitized ID or E-6 (acknowledgement stub from the application form) with any 2 valid IDs. Be sure your photo on the ID is recent.
The following valid IDs will be accepted:
- Unexpired Driver's License
- Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID card
- Passport
- Postal ID
- School or Company ID
- Tax Identification Number (TIN) card
- Seaman's Book
- Membership card issued by private companies
- Overseas Worker Welfare Administration card
- Senior Citizens card
- Voter's Identification card/Affidavit/Certificate of Registration
- ATM card (with cardholder's name; or with certification from bank, if without name)
- Credit card
- Fisherman's card issued by BFAR
- GSIS card/Member's Record/Certificate of Membership
- Health or Medical card
- ID card issued by local government units (e.g. Barangay/Municipal/City)
- ID card issued by professional association recognized by PRC
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate
- Marriage Contract
- NBI Clearance
- Pag-IBIG Member's Data Form
- Permit to carry firearms issued by the Firearms and Explosive Unit of PNP
- PHIC Member's Data Record
- Police Clearance
- Seafarer's Registration Certificate issued by POEA
- Temporary Driver's License issued by LTO
- Transcript of Records
- Alien Certificate of Registration
- Bank Account Passbook
Certificates from the following are also accepted:
- Office of Southern/Northern Cultural Communities or Office of Muslim Affairs
- Certificate of Licensure/Qualification Documents/Seafarer's ID and Record Book from Maritime Industry
- Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration
- Life Insurance Policy
- Birth/Baptismal certificate of child/ren
If an authorized representative is applying for a loan in your behalf, they need to bring the following documents:
- Member-borrower's duly accomplished Member Loan Application
- Authorized Representative's SS card or any two valid IDs both with signature and at least one with photo
- Letter of Authority (LOA) signed by both the member-borrower and member-borrower's authorized representative
- Member-borrower's SS card or any two valid IDs both with signature and at least one with photo.
If your employer or company is filing an application for you, they need the following:
- Member-borrower's duly accomplished Member Loan Application
- Authorized Company Representative (ACR) card issued by SSS
- Letter of Authority (LOA) from employer and any two (2) valid IDs both with signature and at least one with photo
- Member-borrower's SS card or in its absence, Application for SS card (SS Form E-6) acknowledgment stub and any two valid IDs both with signature and at least one with photo.
Take note that original or certified true copies of the supporting documents should be presented during the filing of the claim.
Employers are also required to submit an updated Specimen Signature Card (SS Form L-501) annually to avoid delay in the processing of salary loan applications.
How do you file the SSS loan application?
You can go to an SSS branch nearest to your place of residence or business and file the salaray loan application. Members registered with My.SSS can submit the salary application online.
The salary loan submitted online by an employed member will be directed to the employer's My.SSS account for certification. The employer should also have an SSS Web account.
For a list of SSS branches, visit the SSS branch directory.
What if I'm an Overseas Filipino Worker?
OFW members may also file their salary loan application at the SSS Foreign Representative Offices in selected countries. If there is no SSS office in a particular country, OFW members may send their application and supporting documents to their relatives residing in the Philippines.
They may authorize their relatives to file in their behalf at a local SSS branch.
Keep in mind that documents issued in other country should be duly authenticated or certified by the Philippine Consulate Embassy.
For more information, visit the SSS website.