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Work From Home Means Longer Working Hours, Study Shows

Talk about work-life-balance.
by Clara Rosales
Sep 3, 2020
Photo/s: Pixabay / Free-Photos

COVID-19 has changed how the world works—and that includes making a workplace out of your own home. A survey from JobStreet PH showed how employees are handling the new work-from-home set-up, and how it may be the norm long after virus is gone.

A total of 56 percent of employees surveyed were required to work from home. The shift is still in motion, and the full effects of working from home still cannot be fully calculated, JobStreet PH said. However, the job search portal said many see the new setup outliving the COVID-19 pandemic.

ALSO READ: Job-Hunting During the Pandemic? These Positions are In Demand

The biggest challenge for those working at home was creating a workplace in the house conducive for gettings things done. The report also showed that half of the employees working from home found themselves working longer hours. Employees also adjusted their working times once they started working from home.

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A third of those who worked longer also took on more household responsibilities during the work-from-home period.

Once the pandemic is over and things normalize for businesses and industries, 40 percent of employees said they would like to spend the same number of hours working from home, while 35 percent of employees said they would want to work more hours at home.

Job-hunting? Check out your options on JobStreet, available on Android and iOS.

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