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UP System Twitter Account is Hacked, Teases NFT 'Seeds' via Airdrop

It was renamed after Takashi Murakami.
by Pia Regalado
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The University of the Philippines System's Twitter account was hacked late Monday, school authorities said as it urged the public to follow its other social media accounts for announcements.

The @upsystem account, which provides updates on eight constituent universities across the country, was renamed "takashi murakami", apparently after a Japanese contemporary artist known for his smiling flower image.

The account's profile and cover photos were also removed, and its location was changed to Tokyo.

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The account tweeted that it decided to "airdrop" Murakami Flower seeds, used to redeem a Murakami.Flower NFT (non-fungible tokens). That post was later deleted.

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The Media and Public Relations Office of UP said it was trying to retrieve the account "as soon as possible."

"The UP MPRO assures the public that @upsystem will be recovered and again used in the service of the University community and the Filipino people."

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