International host Joey Mead King recalled how sad her then husband Ian King was every time he took off his make up that transformed him into his true self. She knew she had to stand by him as he transitioned to her now wife, Angie King.
In a vlog for Pride Month where they answered questions from viewers, Angie skipped a question on why Joey stood by her. The question, written in Filipino, stopped short of pointing out Angie's being a transwoman.
"That question doesn't make sense," Angie said. Her wife answered it still.
"Can you just look at her? For those who follow her vlog, she is the most amazing individual in the world," Joey said.
Before they became one of the most prominent LGBTQIA+ couples in the Philippines, they were both conventionally desirable man and woman. Ian King liked fast cars and was the scion of the Victoria Court chain of love hotels. Joey was a Channel V presenter and model whose incredible backside was immortalized on the cover of the Eraserheads' "Sticker Happy" albim.
Until a messaging faux pas outed Ian as Angie and her transition began. They documented their journey on a TLC series and on their social media and YouTube pages.
"Hello? Why would I not want to stay with an an individual who encourages freedom, who loves me uncondtionally and when you say unconditional it's not like anything you do will be acceptable," Joey said.
"It's not anything you do will acceptable. I will accept you for all the flaws, for all the bad things and love you regardless of that," she said.
Angie said she still experiences discrimination. The worst was at Singapore Airport where the couple planed in for Joey's birthday.
The immigration officer stared her down from head to toe twice, furiously scanned her passport and asked where her wife was, as if in disbelief that they were together, Angie said.
On two occasions in the Philippines, Angie said she was asked to leave the women's bathroom, including one time at a car show when she just wanted to wash her hands.
"There's nothing I can do but be mindful that as along as this person doesn't harm me there's no threat," she said.