Tricia Robredo Admitted to Harvard Med School, VP Mama Leni is Proud

Doc Tricia postponed residency twice for family.
Photo/s: VP Leni Robredo/Facebook

Vice President Leni Robredo late on Friday congratulated her second daughter, Tricia, on her admission to Harvard Medical Scool's masters program, after postponing her residency twice.

The middle child of the outgoing Vice President's three daughters passed the medical board during the pandemic and put off residency first, to help in her mother's COVID response, and second, to help in the presidential campaign.

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Tricia was admitted to the Master of Medical Sciences in Global Health Delivery, based on the letter from Harvard, which the Vice President posted on her personal Facebook account.

"Super grateful for this huge blessing," Robredo said, tagging eldest Aika, Tricia and youngest Jillian, who recently graduated from New York University with a double degree.

"Since she became a licensed doctor, and while helping me on the side, she has been consistently doing hospital work as an ER Doctor and and also doing clinical work. But, aside from these, she has also immersedherself in several public health projects and had a deeper understanding of how health care is delivered to our communities," the Vice President said.

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